Definitely not what I expected. 沒想到事情會發展到這樣! Thank you Niki Storage for sponsoring and supporting this short clip 謝謝「 麗奇單車倉」提供影片與抽獎支持 *********** 幸運大抽獎 – 全城成功抗疫齊拍掌 「 麗奇單車倉特意贊助」- 單車倉1個月免費俾你用 ! 名額只得5個 ! Win a free month of bicycle storage at Niki Storage! Only 5 Winners eligible! 抽獎詳情3步曲: 想獲得這份禮物, 只需簡單完成以下3步: 1) 關注及讚好 Daryl Sean Chan YouTube 頻道 2) 關注及讚好 NikiStorage Facebook Page ( / nikistorage ) 3) 到以下連結填寫資訊 ( 3 steps to enter the lucky draw: 1) Subscribe to Daryl Sean Chan’s YouTube channel 2) Like the Niki Storage Facebook Page (
/ nikistorage ) 3) Fill in the following form ( 「 麗奇單車倉」 會在 5 月 2 日 進行抽獎, 並會在5個工作天內以WhatsApp 短訊 及電郵通知得獎 者換領獎品 Niki Storage will perform the draw on May 2nd, and will contact the winners in 5 business days via WhatsApp and e-mail. 抽獎條款及細則:
- 獎品不得轉讓或兌現現金
- 得獎者須在指定日期前換領獎品,逾期者將當放棄論。
- 如有任何爭議,麗奇單車倉保留一切權利。
Terms and conditions:
- Prize cannot be transferred or exchanged for cash
- Winners must redeem their prize by or before the redemption date, late redemption will be considered as forfeit
- Niki Storage reserves the right to any dispute
*********** 歡迎使用以下連結開倉: Click here to get your storage space: